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Contracts can be tricky, and we are often presented with the same questions, so we have put together a few FAQs together in variaous mediums. Our contract consultants are happy to answer any questions you have directly too, so please give us a call!

What are commercial retentions?

Graham Cashin

Retention is held on construction contracts as a fiduciary fund to pay for defects that might arise in the defects liability period.

How does retention work?

Graham Cashin

There is usually a mechanism in the contract for the deduction of retention from interim applications as work proceeds.

How much retention can be deducted?

Graham Cashin

Retentions are usually 3% or 5% of the amount of the payment certificate, but can be any agreed amount.

When is my retention released?

Graham Cashin

The terms of the contract will set out when retention is released. Usually a release consists of 2 moiety (halves) releases.

Are clients always entitled to deduct retention?

Graham Cashin

No, only if there is a mechanism in the Contract that permits them to deduct it.

Can I go to jail for not updating my terms and conditions?

Graham Cashin

A director has the liability for ensuring that the company complies with the Consumer Services Act 2015.

A person would rarely be sent to prison unless the matter was a very serious breach.

What methods do people use to solve contract disputes?

Graham Cashin

By adjudication, litigation or arbitration.

How does complying with the new Consumer Regulations Act protect my business?

Graham Cashin

It ensures that there is a transparent contract between both parties so they can understand the terms and conditions of the contract between the parties, and avoids the risk of non-payment as a result of any breach of the terms by the seller.

If I have a dispute with the main contractor, how can I find an easy way to resolve my dispute?

Graham Cashin

Adjudication Services specialise in adjudication and dispute resolution which is a relatively quick process (28 days) and will allow a construction specialist to decide the outcome of a dispute.

What are the payment terms?

Graham Cashin

The payment terms provide the details of when interim and final payments are to be made, how the sums are calculated and when the payment will be received.

What is the programme?

Graham Cashin

The programme is the period and/or timescale that has been agreed for the seller to carry out the work.

What is the scope of work?

Graham Cashin

The scope of work is the quotation or specification incorporated into the contract that explains what work will be done for the price.

How do I work out appropriate penalties for non-payment?

Graham Cashin

The contract should explain the recourse for late payment, including the interest rates.

My customers won’t pay, quoting the Consumer Services Act 2015. What can I do??

Graham Cashin

You need to serve them with a notice explaining the reasons why they have to pay. The terms of your contract should have a process to resolve disputes. If they don’t, it's time to contact us to update your terms and conditions and help you find the best alternative dispute remedy for your particular issue.

What is a construction contract?

Graham Cashin

A construction contract is any binding agreement to carry out construction services. There are many recognised contracts available online.

Do you have a bog-standard, generic construction contract I can use that is regulations compliant?

Graham Cashin

You can buy standard contracts online, such as the JCT contracts, but you need to choose one that's suitable for the job and you will still need to fill in all the details.

However, a carefully worded quotation can be a contract if unequivocally accepted by the buyer.

What is a dispute?

Graham Cashin

Any matter on which the parties cannot agree. It usually involves payment of a sum of money or withholding of money.

What are the types of contracts that you offer?

Graham Cashin

We can prepare contracts for the parties, however we promote that the seller incorporates all the details of the contract in its offer for agreement of the buyer at that time.

Why should I choose Adjudication Services?

Graham Cashin

Adjudication Services pride itself in helping contractors and subcontractors in resolving their differences, and its team have vast experience in construction adjudication.

What is the adjudication process?

Graham Cashin

The process is set out in the Housing Grants Construction & Regeneration Act 1996 (Construction Act) and the Local Democracy, Economic and Development Act 2009 (often called the Local Democracy Act).

What are the steps involved in referring a dispute to adjudication?

Graham Cashin

The first step is to give notice of a dispute and then issue a Notice of Intention to Adjudicate. Once an adjudicator is appointed, the claimant needs to issue its referral after which the adjudicator gives directions. The adjudicator's decision is usually given within 28 days.

What are the legal costs for both parties in an adjudication case?

Graham Cashin

Adjudication is not litigation and does not need to be carried out by a lawyer or a consultant. However, parties to a dispute are best to have advice to help them through the process, a bit like a divorce lawyer. Lawyers generally charge by the hour. Their rates are typically £250-£350/hour whereas Adjudication Services charge a ‘Flat Fee’ or ‘Success Fee’.

Who pays for the adjudication?

Graham Cashin

The adjudicator decides who pays his fees. Usually, each party bears its own costs of the process. There is an advantage of using Adjudication Services as its fee structure can be based on success.

The nomination fee for the appointment of an adjudicator (which is less than £500) is paid by the feferring party.

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